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Laurels and Kudos

  • History professor Jack Davis won the Pulitzer Prize in History for his book The Gulf: The Making of an American Sea (see profile of Davis).
  • The University of Florida is one of only five institutions to receive the 2018 Senator Paul Simon Award for Comprehensive Internationalization, celebrating initiatives such as the UF International Center’s Learning without Borders. Political science professor Leonardo Villalón is dean of the UF International Center.
  • Psychology professor Dorothy Espelage was elected to the National Academy of Education.
  • Professors of philosophy Jaime Ahlberg and Jennifer Rothschild have each received grant funding from the Center for Ethics and Education — $30,000 and $40,000 respectively.
  • Biology major Aaron Sandoval ’20 has been awarded a Goldwater Fellowship for the 2018–19 year. Math major Andrew Sack ’19 received an honorable mention.
  • Braman Professor of Holocaust Studies Norman Goda was awarded a faculty fellowship from the Deutsche Akademischer Austauschdienst to partially fund research for his book on the Klaus Barbie trial.
  • Statistics professor Malay Ghosh received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Indian Statistical Association.
  • UF’s LitiGators, the Mock Trial team, for the first time qualified to take two teams to Nationals.
  • Tom Bianchi was named a Fellow of the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography.


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