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Awards & Honors

Students Place in Top Speech and Debate Tournaments

Boasting a winning season, members of the UF Speech and Debate Team reflect on the power of the experience.

Scholarship Winners Mirror Longtime AAC Office Manager’s Perseverance

Two undergraduate students demonstrate the power of resiliency and hard work, earning a scholarship in recognition of their achievements.

UF Ecologist Robert D. Holt Elected to the National Academy of Sciences

Holt's election to one of the nation's most prestigious academies is a testament to his scientific impact.

CLAS Faculty Receive Doctoral Mentoring Awards

Connie Mulligan, professor of anthropology, and Timothy Vollmer, professor of psychology, were recognized for their support of students completing dissertations.

Brian Odegaard Receives Young Investigator Award from Office of Naval Research

Assistant professor of psychology Brian Odegaard is the recipient of the Office of Naval Research’s 2022 Young Investigator Program.

Andreas Keil Wins 2022 Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Award

The psychologist was selected to receive Germany's most valuable international research award.

CLAS Professors Receive NSF CAREER Awards

The prestigious awards are granted by the NSF to early-career faculty who demonstrate the potential to serve as academic role models in their fields.

Michael Daniels Wins 2022 L. Adrienne Cupples Award

The annual award recognizes a biostatistician for exemplary contributions to teaching, research and service.

Students Win Top Honors in Math Modeling Challenge

Six undergraduate CLAS students competed in the SIMIODE Challenge Using Differential Equations Modeling

Peter Hirschfeld Wins 2022 John Bardeen Prize

Physicist Peter Hirschfeld wins a prestigious award honoring his exploration of superconductivity.

2022 Teaching Advising Award Winners

2022 College Teaching/Advising Award Winners Revealed

The awards honor exceptional teachers and advisors in each college for their commitment to enhancing the student experience.

Prof. Sixue Chen Elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science

The biology professor is among seven faculty members from the University of Florida to receive the prestigious honor.

CLAS Faculty Awarded National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowships

Professors Elizabeth Dale of the Department of History and Matthieu Felt of the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures received the fellowships.

Prof. Robert Walker Receives Carl O. Sauer Distinguished Scholarship Award

The professor was recognized for fostering a greater understanding of Latin American geography.

UF Pre-Law Fraternity Earns Top Awards at National Conference

The UF chapter of Phi Alpha Delta (PAD) took home nine awards, including several first-place honors, at the fraternity’s national pre-law conference.

Prof. Richard Yost Elected National Academy of Inventors Fellow

The UF professor of chemistry invented the triple quadrupole mass spectrometer.

Prof. Xiao-Xiao Zhang Receives National Science Foundation CAREER Award

Xiao-Xiao Zhang, assistant professor in the UF Department of Physics, was awarded the prestigious NSF grant to further her research.

History and Philosophy Student Awarded Rhodes Scholarship

Aimee Clesi is the University of Florida's first Rhodes Scholar since 2000.

Dimitri Bourilkov Elected American Physical Society Fellow

Dimitri Bourilkov, associate scientist in the Department of Physics, was recognized for his work in data-intensive science.

Mary Ann Eaverly

Prof. Mary Ann Eaverly Recognized as ‘Luminary’ by Eos Africana

Recognizing her scholarly achievements, Professor of Classics Mary Ann Eaverly was interviewed as an "Eos Luminary" by the society.