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Professor of Archaeology Receives SEAC Lifetime Achievement Award

In October 2016, Dr. William H. Marquardt, Affiliate Professor of Anthropology and Curator of Archaeology at the Florida Museum of Natural History, was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference in Athens, GA. The Lifetime Achievement Award is given to a senior scholar who has made significant and sustained contributions to southeastern archaeology during her or his career.
According to the SEAC, Marquardt qualified for the award by:


  • engaging the public with archaeology through outreach, educational, and tourism programs


  • showing an entrepreneurial and interdisciplinary spirit in academia
    mentoring young archaeologists and providing them with opportunities to present their work


  • seminal research on the Calusa of South Florida


Says Marquardt, “It is always nice to be recognized, but almost all of my work has been team-based, so the award is also for generations of students, colleagues, and volunteers who have added so much to my work.”


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