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Tag: College News Faculty

American Tales

Get to know the history of the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program and the generations of students its helped teach the value of archiving oral histories.

red ringed rendering of black hole

The Deepest Well in the Universe

UF astrophysicist studies the magnetic fields and cosmic streams pouring out of a black hole.

group of four people standing under Spanish moss-drenched trees by idyllic lake

We Are All Archie Carr’s Children

Learn how the Archie Carr Center for Sea Turtle Research at UF carries on Archie Carr's work and legacy.

Stephen Hawking in chair as young girl swings on tree swing in background

His Brief History in Time

UF Professor of Physics Bernard Whiting remembers his friend Stephen Hawking.

journal with handwriting and drawing in pencil in a notebook against rustic picnic table with cup of tea

Creative License

Creative work created by the faculty and alumni of the college.

painting of Spaniards and Native Americans sharing food and drink

The Secrets of Spanish Florida

Forget what you learned in history class and imagine, for a moment, that the founding of the United States does not begin with Jamestown Colony or the Pilgrims.

photo of women marching holding signs that read Take Back the Night

Breaking the Silence

The Center for Gender, Sexualities, and Women’s Studies Research welcomes Professor Maddy Coy, who is introducing a new undergraduate course, Violence Against Women, this semester. As sexual harassment and assault continued to be trending topics in the international conversation, it’s crucial to ground campus discussions in evidence and theory, says Coy.

sad and scared female teenager with computer laptop suffering cyberbullying and harassment being online abused by stalker or gossip feeling desperate and humiliated in cyber bullying concept

Justice in the Age of Locker-Room Talk

The University of Florida psychology professor and expert on bullying, sexual harassment and violence in schools knows the truth: “Not all bullies are rejected outcasts; many bully not just because they can, but also because they want to,” she said, “so, why are we not moving forward on bullying?”

underwater photo of happy dolphin smiling

Playtime with Moonshine

Moonshine the dolphin is a special cetacean. Although a chronic liver problem has confined him to human care for the rest of his life, an interdisciplinary team that includes UF professor of psychology Nicole Dorey and alumna Barbara Perez ’14 has developed an enrichment program that includes several custom-made toys. The study, published on Oct. […]

whimsical painting of girl touching tree

The Forest for the Trees

Twenty-seven professors in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences serve as affiliate faculty of UF’s Tropical Conservation and Development (TCD) program. Learn more about this essential initiative.

woman in traditional African garb walks down dirt road, a parcel balanced upon her head

Global Issues — The Square Root of Poverty

UF researcher Calistus Ngonghala uses math to understand the spread — and prevention — of disease in sub-Saharan Africa.

Haitian women adorned in vivid colors hold candles and instruments

Vodou and Valency

UF Haitian Creole specialist Ben Hebblethwaite unearths African and Haitian history from the mythology of Vodou songs and rituals.

man stands in tree-fringed plaza

Faculty Profile — Keith Choe, Biology

Keith Choe, associate professor of biology, studies mutations in C. elegans with the goal of understanding how cells respond to environmental stress and how this information could one day stave off aging and disease.

two people interact with plush manatee

A Most Excellent Evening

On April 21, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences launched an awards program to recognize the achievements and dedication of alumni, faculty, students, and staff in Emerson Alumni Hall.

newspaper, plant, reading glasses, and coffee on wooden table


UF physicists and astrophysicists are making waves.

The X-Labs

A new science paradigm for an interdisciplinary world.

The artist's rendering (left) of GRB 050709 depicts a gamma-ray burst that was discovered on 9 July, 2005 by NASA's High-Energy Transient Explorer. The burst radiated an enormous amount of energy in gamma-rays for half a second, then faded away. Three days later, Chandra's detection of the X-ray afterglow (inset) established its position with high accuracy. A Hubble Space Telescope image showed that the burst occurred in the outskirts of a spiral galaxy. This location is outside the star-forming regions of the galaxy and evidence that the burst was not produced by the explosion of an extremely massive star. The most likely explanation for the burst is that it was produced by a collision of two neutron stars, or a neutron star and a black hole.

Solving Cosmic Puzzles

Neutron stars are dead stars collapsed into the densest form of matter known to humans, with a teaspoon of neutron star matter weighing a billion tons, and their collision creates a swath of galactic debris. Decades ago, stargazing scientists formed plans to detect signals from this debris. Now, in the new era of aptly named “multi-messenger astronomy,” two international projects have achieved this goal: On August 17 of this year, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO)’s two U.S.-based interferometers and the Virgo Collaboration’s Italy-based interferometer detected for the first time gravitational waves — ripples in space-time traveling at the speed of light — from the collision and subsequent merger of two neutron stars. The detection occurred just three days after yet another “chirp” from colliding black holes.

illustration of neurons interacting

A Route to Recovery

UF psychologist Lori Knackstedt studies an antibiotic that may cure cocaine addiction. Lori Knackstedt, professor of psychology, is seven years deep into research that’s yielded some surprising results: in cocaine-addicted rats, an antibiotic reduces their drug-seeking behavior and may prevent relapse. The drug Ceftriaxone appears to increase reuptake of glutamate, a neurotransmitter that regulates dopamine, […]

red eyed frog sitting on flower

From K–T to Kermit

Among UF’s renowned team of extinction experts is David Blackburn, whose appreciation for frogs has led to his work on a groundbreaking new study. A paper published in July in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows that although frogs have been around for longer than dinosaurs, most of the world’s 6,700-plus living species of frogs evolved after a mass extinction 66 million years ago made way for new biodiversity.

closeup of inscription of Latin on stone

The Sound of Silence

Victoria Emma Pagán of UF Classics publishes new book about Roman historian Tacitus.